Unlock Potential: Private Training Solutions for Property Management Companies

Empower your property management team with our private training solutions. Whether you're aiming to elevate their expertise through ARM or CPM certification courses or enhance their leadership capabilities with soft skills training, we've got you covered. At IREM we understand the unique challenges of the property management industry, and our tailored programs are designed to address them directly.

Training Options

  • Prepare your property managers for success with our comprehensive ARM (Accredited Residential Manager) certification courses. Covering key topics such as property maintenance, tenant relations, and risk management, this program equips participants with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in residential property management.

    • ARM training covers 5 days of course work, which can be done consecutively or one or two days a week.

    • Courses can be offered virtually or in person (minimum class size is 12)

    • Students take the RES201 course (4 days) and the Ethics course (1 day) to complete the education requirements for the ARM certification.

    • The ARM exam is scheduled at the end of the 5 days and is done online with a certified proctor.

  • Elevate your team's professionalism with our CPM (Certified Property Manager) certification courses. Designed for experienced property managers, this program delves into advanced topics such as asset management, financial analysis, and strategic planning, empowering participants to take their careers to the next level.

    • CPM education is made up of 8 courses, most of which are 1 to 2 days each

    • Courses can be offered virtually or in-person (minimum class size is 12)

    • Course delivery can be mixed, with some courses offered on-line and some, like advanced financial courses, offered in the classroom

    • Students are tested at the end of each class to make sure they have mastered the material

    • Once completed with classes, students are ready to take the Management Plan Skills Assessment and the CPM Exam, both of which are done online

  • Keep your team current on the latest developments in areas related to property management. We offer 2-4 hour seminars on many industry specific topics, such as:

    o Active Shooter Situations

    o Budgeting & Accounting for Commercial Properties

    o Budgeting & Financials for Residential Properties

    o Construction/Project Management Track

    o DC Property Manager Licensing

    o Electrical Basics for PMs

    o Excel—Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Classes

    o Fire Suppression Systems

    o GSA Leases

    o HVAC Basics for Property Managers

    o Lease Administration

    o Lease Buyouts and Subleases

    o LEED Certification Prep

    o Legionella: Best Practices for Prevention

    o Marketing & Leasing for Commercial Properties

    o Marketing & Leasing Strategies/Customer Service

    o Navigating Tenant Buildouts

    o Plumbing Basics for Property Managers

    o Risk Management

    o Understanding Commercial Leases

    o Understanding Construction Drawings

    o Wear Your Lawyer's Hat

  • Equip your property managers with essential soft skills that are crucial for effective leadership. From communication and conflict resolution to decision-making and team building, our leadership training program focuses on developing the interpersonal abilities that drive success in property management roles. Training is provided virtually or in person, 2-4 hours depending on the topic.

    Examples of training we can provide:

    o Business Etiquette

    o Coaching and Development for Property Managers

    o Communications Skills for Business Professionals

    o Critical Thinking for Seasoned Managers

    o Customer Service vs. Customer Experience

    o DEI: Inclusion in the Workplace

    o Difficult Conversations/Conflict Resolution

    o Effective Coaching

    o Employee Engagement

    o Handling Difficult Tenants/Risk Management

    o How to Manage People: Office Culture

    o Intentional Wellness

    o Leadership for Engineers

    o Positive Leadership

    o Professional Development Plan/Goal Setting

    o Public Speaking & Professional Presence

    o Think Like an Asset Manager

    o Time Management

    o Unconscious Bias

Why Choose Us?

When you choose IREM Region 3 Education, you are investing in top-notch professional education. With our instructors' exceptional credentials, extensive experience, and a specialized curriculum, we provide the value your company needs to elevate your employees' professional development. Through a customizable training format that fits your company’s needs, employees will gain skills, achieve certification milestones, and enhance their leadership effectiveness.

“We have utilized IREM Region 3 Education for ARM training, DEI awareness training, and leadership skills training for several years now. They bring highly professional instructors and work with us on a schedule that is convenient for our group, offering both in-person and virtual classes as needed.”
— Ellen Spriggs, Director of Learning and Development, Habitat America
  • Our training programs are customized to meet the specific needs and goals of your property management team. Whether they require certification courses or leadership training, our expert instructors will develop a curriculum that aligns with your objectives.

  • Our trainers are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in property management and leadership development. They bring real-world insights and practical knowledge to every session, ensuring that your team gains valuable skills they can apply immediately.

  • We offer flexible training formats to accommodate your company's schedule and preferences. Whether you prefer on-site sessions, virtual training, or a combination of both, we'll work with you to create a seamless learning experience.

  • We believe in delivering tangible results. Our training programs are designed to produce measurable improvements in your team's performance, whether it's achieving certification milestones or enhancing leadership effectiveness.

  • We work with you to develop a program that meets your company’s requirements AND saves you money from traditional training options. We can do this because we have a team of local instructors who will work directly with us and exclude any middleman.

“It has been a pleasure working with IREM Region 3 Education to bring ARM training to our team, which we’ve done twice now. They provided excellent instructors, handled all the logistics and gave us a significant discount to hold private classes for our employees! We were happy to be able to provide our team members the opportunity to increase their professional development and raise the bar for our customers by offering our team the industry standard ARM certification.”
— Jessica Mayo, ARM®, Dweck Properties

Contact Us:

Ready to move forward and discuss training options for your group? Contact Carol Walker at 240-731-3116 or email manager@IREMRe3ED.org or fill out the form below.